Silvestre Jive To The Music - Candy - NEXT GENERATION
Welcome to Candy's page. My little sweetheart who has never put a paw wrong.
Her name came about because one day I said "She is sweet like Candy"!. the name from then was Candy.
Candy was the result of a mating between Indie and Roux and this was the last litter Roux sired with us. Roux had three in total and I have kept one from each litter. But sadly her daughter Jovie hated being a mummy dog and after just one litter I retired her and she now has a lovely home in Colchester. It is better for a young dog to live a life in a family home as one dog having all the attention than keeping a spayed girl so young with all our pack. So much kinder to her. From Roux's her second litter we kept Willow who is my ultimate show girl as she loves it so much. Candy although half sister is quite different to Willow as shes most gentle. But they both have in common that they were house trained by 6 weeks and never done anything wrong. Candy lives with Willow as they are good buddies with each other and Willow looks out for Candy. So in the dog room we have a very large crate so they can sleep together, but we have the door open all day and they potter in and out as they please. Willow actually jumps a fence and gets back in side the crate. In the crate we have ample blankets as everyone knows a Vizsla is a dog which is not satisfied with one. They snuggle under them. It's quite cute to see the pair of them.
Candy is a Russet Gold colour. Due to summer holidays she has not got to a ring craft class, but we are taking her out and about so she socialises well. She will be trained for the show ring just in case I decide to show her. She is very much like her mum I think at the same age. Very kind eye and expression, beautiful melting head piece, and body shape with in proportions and we usually expect dogs so young to go very leggy but shes stayed fairly even.
Candy is gentle, and sometimes the gentle ones do not like showing as much as the out going ones so we will see in time. She is a joy to take anywhere and an easy peasy puppy. I would say Im lucky with her, but the sibling owners all have told me they have the same. Candy is everything I would want to see in a young puppy. So lots of exciting things to come I hope.
Candy will not be vaccinated, and she will be titre tested in the coming months. We are learning that vaccines are causing neurological issues in dogs as well as auto immune diseases, there fore for health and welfare we believe it should be done much later once the brain is fully developed properly.
Candy's Parents
Sire: INT.CH.SWISS.CH.BEL.CH.Silvestre Fortune N'Glory x Dam: Roughshoot Moulin Rouge at Silvestre
Candy's Grandparents
Fathers parents: SH.CH.Oroshaza Chukkar CW19 x Roughshoot Infra Red at Silvestre
Mother's parents: CH. Ulrurudawn Cardinal Marker. Dam: Hubertus Hungaricum Allegra of Roughshoot
Mother's parents: CH. Ulrurudawn Cardinal Marker. Dam: Hubertus Hungaricum Allegra of Roughshoot
Candy's Great Grandparents.
Aranyvadasz Tarna at Calmerell, Greentimbers Franchi, AUST.CH.ENG.SH.CH.Hanafor The Executioner, SH.CH.Roughshoot Calpyso
Aldom Red Grouse. Ulrurudawn Clipper. Hubertus Imprint at Touchstar. HUN.CH.Yoko of Skyrocket Hubertus