SWISS.BEL.SH.CH.Silvestre Fortune N'Glory
Pet Name: Indiana
Crufts Qualified for life
Hip Scored 6:8 (Even score)
Elbow Scored 0:0 (Records with us, Australian vet scoring)
H.U.U ( Hyperuricosuria) - Clear
C.A. (Cerebellar Ataxia) - Clear
D.M (Degenerative Myopathy - Clear
ECLE (Exfoliative Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus) - CLEAR
Glaucoma Tested - Clear 0')
Sperm tested = Healthy
Annual Eye test - Clear
(Check includes: CEA, MRD, TRD, CHC, PHPV, PLA, HC, PLL, POAG, IOP, PRA, RPED - Clinically unaffected)
Rabies vaccinated and positive blood titre.
Vaccinated for Parvo virus, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Distemper, Canine flu,
Micro chipped.
Height 23 "to withers.
Proven stud dog - Fertile.
Major show wins
2 CACIB International Tickets from Belgium.
8 CAC in Belgium - Show Champion
Golden winner 65th dog trophy
2 CAC Holland
3 CAC SWITZERLAND - Show Champion
8 CAC Belgium Brussells show
Belgium Winner title 2022
1 CACIB, BOB DOUAI DAY 1. Which has given Indie his INT.CH.Title. Subject to FCI
Best puppy in breed and puppy gun dog group 1.
Qualified for Crufts 2019,2020,2022,2023.
STUD BOOK NUMBER!!!! Qualified for Crufts for life.
Sire: Show Champion Oroshaza Chukar CW-18 Pet name Finn
Dam: Roughshoot Infra Red with Silvestre Crufts qualified 2015,2016,2018,2019,2020 Pet name Gucci.
This lovely handsome boy will remain his days with us, but we have retired him now from stud and show. Hes produced us some fabulous offspring which are are proud of, and he has brought his happy go lucky personality which was something I was always proud of.
I was so proud when he got his titles, and his UK stud book number. We have achieved more than I had ever hoped for. But we do not need to keep showing him as we have younger dogs to show now.
There is a possibility I may use Indie again in the future at stud but for now he is retired. As I have other plans a foot.
He will live out his retirement on the sofa and enjoy his days in water as he is a total water babe.
Indies pedigree is his dad was Crufts Best of breed winner called SH.CH Oroshaza Chukkar and his pet name is Finn and he lived in Scotland. We went out to stud on Roughshoot Infra red at Silvestre, and she was bred by the very well known Roughshoot Kennels and she was a fab girl. It was not an easy litter as she dropped 2 dead puppies with no hair on their body at 7 1/2 weeks into pregnancy and we thought we were going to loose the whole litter. We did loose more as they died inside her, but by c section we had 4 healthy puppies and we kept Indie. Sometimes breeding is heart breaking but we were blessed with Indie and it made it all worth while. His happy go lucky nature has been passed onto his offspring.
This lovely handsome boy will remain his days with us, but we have retired him now from stud and show. Hes produced us some fabulous offspring which are are proud of, and he has brought his happy go lucky personality which was something I was always proud of.
I was so proud when he got his titles, and his UK stud book number. We have achieved more than I had ever hoped for. But we do not need to keep showing him as we have younger dogs to show now.
There is a possibility I may use Indie again in the future at stud but for now he is retired. As I have other plans a foot.
He will live out his retirement on the sofa and enjoy his days in water as he is a total water babe.
Indies pedigree is his dad was Crufts Best of breed winner called SH.CH Oroshaza Chukkar and his pet name is Finn and he lived in Scotland. We went out to stud on Roughshoot Infra red at Silvestre, and she was bred by the very well known Roughshoot Kennels and she was a fab girl. It was not an easy litter as she dropped 2 dead puppies with no hair on their body at 7 1/2 weeks into pregnancy and we thought we were going to loose the whole litter. We did loose more as they died inside her, but by c section we had 4 healthy puppies and we kept Indie. Sometimes breeding is heart breaking but we were blessed with Indie and it made it all worth while. His happy go lucky nature has been passed onto his offspring.
judgement NOV 2021
reu van mooi type en totaalbeeld, mooi mannelijk hoofd, fraaie expressie, prima gebit, voor en achter goed gehoekt, prima lichaam en bovenbelijning, gaat viot door de ring, prima presentatiem mooie kleur en conditie
By Judge Doedijns rony netherlands
Translated to:
Critique Nov 2021
male of nice type and overall appearance, nice masculine head, nice expression, good teeth, good angulation in front and behind, good body and topline, goes through the ring very well, good presentation, nice coloUr and condition.
By Judge Doedijns Rony Netherlands.
Show News
Darlington Champ show 2nd place CRUFTS QUALIFIED.
Great Yarmouth and Gorelston Open show. First SY, Best puppy in breed, Gundog puppy group 1 winner.
Midland counties champ show October 2018 2nd place minor puppy, another Crufts qualifying class.
HPR Club Open show 2nd Puppy Class. 2018.
Boston Champ show 2nd place puppy Class 2019.
HVS champ show 5th place junior class 2019.
Richmond Champ show 2019
City of Birmingham Champ show 2nd Place Junior
The Golden Trophy Show Belgium 1 RCAC, 1 RCACIB, 1 CAC, 1 CACIB & Golden Winner 2019
Kortrijk Euro Dog show 1 CAC, 1 CACIB. 2019.
No Shows held - Covid 19 hit the UK
With the relaxation of Covid rules dog shows are back on again.
Leeds championship show 2021 Indie went into limit class and was 2nd place. Crufts qualified 2022.
Great Yarmouth and Gorleson 2021 1st Open class and RBOB .
Darlington Champ show - 2nd Limit Class. 2021 Crufts qualified 2022
Gundog Society of Wales - 3rd Open class 2021 Crufts qualified 2022
Blesiweijk Netherlands - 1st Open day 1. 1st Open day 2, CACIB and 2 CAC'S This now means he is 1 away from being an International Champion.
CRUFTS DOG SHOW - Open Class 3rd place. Stud book number- Crufts qualified
National Dog show - Open Class 2nd Place. (Another stud book award place - Crufts qualified)
Geneva 1,2,3 - 1st Place OPEN CAC x 3 = Swiss show champion. Wow
Belgium 8 CAC, 1 CACIB - Belgium show champion
DOUAI France - 1st Champions class, CACIB, BOB. This is the win we have been waiting for which made Indie an International Champion. We are retiring him as from today. He may do the occasional Crufts show. We couldn't of wished for more with this boy, he has won far more than any dog I have shown to date.
Meet Indies Parents:
Left is Finn or better known as SH.CH. Oroshaza Chukkar Right is mum Gucci or better known as Roughshoot Infra Red at Silvestre
Indie's Grandparents
I am going to try and locate photos of the grandparents in due course. Some are easy to find and others not so.
Far right Mango then Flint.
Far right Mango then Flint.
Please do not copy any photographs contained in this website. I have permission from owners to put photos on our website.