Hi Everyone, Due to the high volumes of calls i am getting this week, I’ve had to slow things down alittle bit. I could literally be on the phone all day long answer everyone’s questions on owning dogs. Please note that I am happy to advise anyone that has a dog off us any time. But new people who haven’t yet had a dog off me, I need to slow down some of the conversation as its all too time consuming. Their is no point me going in depth on diet for example if your buying from someone else as we all feed our dogs differently.
So how to contact me at the moment. TEXT.! If you text me first, I will then arrange a call back the following morning or the morning you have text. I am not available afternoons or evenings or weekends. You will get me eventually but you could be in a long list of people to talk too. We do not know why their has been a sudden explosion in dog enquires. It doesn't mean every single person I speak to will be getting a dog off us because some people want one next year, or later in the year, or they may not be suitable for say a Vizsla. So do not think you wont get a puppy from us and its worth getting in touch always. Its just a balance. Ive had a few people this week that after talking to them have realised they really dont need an active breed of dog. But I have to talk to each and every person first. To care for the dogs properly means I am with my dogs looking after them. They require grooming, bathing, exercise, feeding and playing games to mentally stimulate them. We are in the middle of lock down so I cant take them off the property for walks, so I’m outside it feels like more now than ever before and with the lovely sunshine its an ideal time to be outside.
I spoke to my veterinary surgeon this week after reading the BVA statement which was released last Thursday by the BVA. My vet kindly rang me as the statement was incorrect which caused a lot of kerfuffle with Vets and Royal college. So they have had to amend some things. They announced just to the veterinary profession changes. Which the public aren't made aware of.
My vet told me they will not be doing boosters on dogs currently. They are allowed to over shoot up to 15 months before a restart is required. We live in a Lepto area as farming community, and our next boosters are just for Lepto. So he said wait until we are back to social distancing. He is getting closer to be able to vaccinate a single puppy. This is because they see the need of puppies needing vaccines but with owners of course, so if anyone purchases a puppy they will be able to get a vaccine done. Also they will consider boosters on a 15 month old from the first vaccine. Now saying all that above. I have enough knowledge on vaccines and how they work to know that the reasons above are. When you vaccinate a puppy if you do it too soon, they may not develop the full antibodies required. This is why we always suggest later vaccines and follow Dr Ronald Schultz protocols. So if your puppy didn't get immunity the next vaccine along would in fact work. Rarely do dogs not develop antibodies on a second vaccine. Of course some dogs never develop antibodies. The only sure way is to blood titre test your dog a year later. When Indiana was vaccinated for Rabies we had the blood test done 30 days later and he failed. He didn't have enough of the antibody level required. So he was revaccinated 31 days later, and 30 days after that we had another blood test and he had full immunity. He can not travel in and out of Europe for the rest of his life with just topping up on a vaccine every 3 years with out the need for another blood test. We hope to take him in 2021 now to dog shows and complete his Belgium title and international title. Plus we shall start him on a title in 2 other countries if possible. Vaccines are complex and most people dont understand just how these things work. I do feel I have a better understanding after so much research. But even so Im sure I will still learn as I go along. Of course we are following every bit of guidance from defra and the kennel club on covid 19 and dogs.
The Silvestre dogs are at home! For the foreseeable future. They have their own exercise paddocks and they are dogs which are all happy. The BVA have just announced that vets can do vaccines, where as vaccines had been cancelled. So ask your vets again this coming week if you can vaccinate your dog or pups. As some are now allowing this to be done. But of course its up to each individual business if they wish to go ahead. Keep your puppies active by taking them out on your daily exercise allowance. Remember to wash their paws when you get in, and do not let them be touched by total strangers at the moment. Hygiene is important for dogs and humans at the moment. Although Covid 19 can not be caught from dogs, their are reports it can be on their fur. So use common sense. In the April edition of the Kennel gazette one of our dogs is featured this month. April 2020.
I enclose two photos sent to me by permission of the owner Vicky Grylls. She is very proud of spice. The things they have achieved together is just amazing and its all down to Vicky of course. Their is only so much a breeder can do to present a well balanced dog. The rest is down to experiences the dog meets in life, and the training. Vicky also came back to me two years ago for a 2nd dog which is Lani. Both have their instagram accounts you can follow. This week Lucy's Law came into effect which had been put through and added to the animal welfare bill. From April 6th no-one can purchase a puppy from anyone other than a licensed breeder. To find out if the breeder is licensed then ask to see their certificate and number. Anyone breeding with out being licensed can be fined huge sums of money and a prison sentence. Do not be a part of illegal animal sales. It is a worry actually that so many breeders are ignoring this. I think now Lucy's law has gone through tougher sentencing will be done other wise no point in bringing out laws in animal welfare. My advice to breeders who have not got their licenses yet is to apply as soon as possible as the waiting lists are several weeks in some cases, and at the moment with covid 19 their are no home visits being done. So find out directly off your council what you are supposed to do.
Puppies from 8 weeks to 6 months now have to be either returned to the breeder or placed in a rescue centre. The owner is not allowed to resell the dog. This is to stop third party sales on pets. It also effects Kitten breeding as well. Also The Kennel club released information on Covid 19 and animal business. Which has come from defra, Licensed breeders of kittens and puppies are allowed to breed, but must deliver puppies during a lockdown situation. If it goes to social distancing then owners can pick up but must not go in the house. This is for the foreseeable future as social distancing could go on for the whole of 2020. The hand over of the puppy must be done either in a large open room or outside. Gloves to be worn on handing over puppies. Parents must be seen on video interacting with puppies. No visits to the home to meet puppies allowed. But with Lucy's law that came in, it states in that law that breeders must not deliver puppies, so an acceptance has been made during Covid 19 lockdown, So breeders can continue with breeding dogs. and deliver them. Other activities with dogs has also been addressed from dog walkers to home boarders. So how do you know if a breeder is licensed ? All advertising must contain the license number. A certificate from the council is given. Ask to see it if it is not on display. But all licensed breeding should display the certificate in the home. Do not accept excuses as to why licenses haven't been got. These are the breeders which the government wish to stop trading. Their are many gold nuggets of lies why breeders are not having a license. Classic one is Im not a breeder, its a one off litter. Just so happens they did it the year before and the year before that. Plus will do it next year. Anyone that breeds their dog once is a breeder. Its not exactly brain science that one is it. Another is I only breed to keep one. But yes they still sold the other 9! Their is a million excuses I could write about that I've heard in the 20 years Ive bred dogs. Whats worse is they charge the same if not more than a proper breeder. Just be smart and buy from a licensed breeder and kennel club assured breeder. A kennel club assured breeder also undergoes more checks, and the Kennel club have clamped down on poor breeding practises in the last few years. Join us in promoting only good breeding. Breeding which is not against the law. We can not stamp out puppy farming with out your help. If you continue to purchase from the wrong sources animals suffering will continue. Do the right thing! Buy puppies from the right places. We have not been anywhere in what feels like weeks now with covid 19 lockdown. Lucky for us the dogs have all our land to exercise in. So none of them are lacking in fitness. In fact with the lovely weather of this weekend we have all been outside all day long. The dogs have been following me about whilst I have been clearing a stable. In a way we have got more jobs done around our home than ever before. When I get back to breeding dogs again at least the gardens will look great.
Update on Brooklyn, not much to say, except I think she is waiting until May time for her season which is great for all of you waiting for a puppy as the chances of us being in lockdown at the time of pups leaving will be slim. So its doing us all a favour. Plus people have come forward now who I had not heard from and we have enough people on the waiting list to breed her. As I was reluctant to do so with this uncertainty of corona virus. Brooklyn is in good health and enjoying the spring sunshine. She’s a wonderful dog, kind natured, and a pleasure to have around. Photo left is Yennefer the Bracco and Brooklyn right. Then the photo on the right is several of our dogs in part of our gardens. |
AuthorMrs Rachel Savage Archives
February 2025
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