I think I have answered all the emails from the contact form. If you have not heard from me, please resend and I will get back to you in the next day or so. Thankyou for all your enquiries, and I do try to reply to everyone, but we do get a build up of emails which do not always come through to my phone, apologise and I have no idea why this is. As I have just gone on the website and realised several forms were sent to me and they had not come through to my phone.
We hope to welcome puppies during July time of 21. I have been away on holiday and came back to see subtle changes in our Ripley. So fingers crossed everyone that she is pregnant. She was mated to a lovely boy that we do not own. Once we have a scan done at 4 weeks in, and I can then see puppies, I will send everyone on our waiting list more information about the up and coming litter.
Its lovely to get feed back from owners of our puppies and we can share their experiences with you on our blog and references pages.
A big Thankyou to Veronika and ken for sending me this. I have been living in the UK for 27 years but a Hungarian and had a German Shepard for 12 years, losing her broke our heart but 3 years on I wanted to do things even better and have a lovely Hungarian Vizsla as a companion for me as an off road runner and for my retired husband who just need company whilst I am working hard…. I knew getting a puppy from a Kennel club UK breeder is the right way to go, since we were keen to have a responsible breeder who treat the dogs really well and not just like a puppy farm especially during Covid puppy mania…. Working in Norfolk and through the Kennel club I came across Silvestre and when I called Rachel I realised she was certainly not in it for the money, the questions she asked me were really important for the dog’s future and whilst I knew I was in for a long wait, I knew it would be worth it. I got on the waiting list and watched proceedings with a previous litter, which was so encouraging and when our litter was born her messages started to arrive with so much useful info and lovely way of seeing how the puppies were developing. She made sure she picked one for our needs and he is a healthy, happy, full of character pup and any advice we need she is there to support us with her years of experience and knowledge with this particular breed. Starting with providing a weeks’ worth of food when we picked him up, could purchase her hand made collar, lead, snuffle mat , treats, we can order any treats, chews, other products from her later and it feels as though we are part of a new family with the Silvestre dogs, all of which look full of life and health. A fantastic breeder who puts all her heart into the welfare of her dogs! Veronika and Ken Lothian I feel that I have been truly blessed with finding such wonderful owners for our dogs, and kindly sent references so you can see a little bit more about us as breeders. I opened up today a lovely message from a couple who had a puppy from our son’s litter. So I have added it to our reference page. But also I will add it here.
Many thanks 😊 ........................................................................................................................... We don’t go into anything lightly & as with most big decisions we spend a lot of time reading & researching before seriously committing to a search. We wanted a puppy primarily as a family pet & therefore really wanted a breeder that brought their puppies up with love in their own home. Coupled with only wanting a Kennel Club assured breeder, we narrowed our search. As soon as we looked at the Silvestre website we felt like we had hit the jackpot. There is so much information, knowledge, obvious dedication & pure love of dogs leaping from the pages that we immediately thought, we need to contact this lady... Once my husband had spoken to Rachel our decision was made. We had found a breeder with passion, who was willing to give her time generously to tell you the whole story, good & bad with no pressure, in fact she goes to pains to paint the picture of how tricky raising a Vizsla can be. Here is a woman who is not trying to sell you a puppy, she is trying to place her puppies with people she trusts to do things right by them. We were very happy to wait knowing we were in the right place. We ended up with a puppy from Rachel’s son Joshua. Joshua is equally as dedicated to his puppies & was amazing at keeping us updated every week on the puppies progress. When we met Joshua & Rachel they were exactly as we’d expected, professional, knowledgable & generous with their time. We felt completely reassured that we had made the right decision. Both Joshua & Rachel have been amazing at answering questions to help us navigate through the first few weeks & we have found Rachel’s hidden resources for puppy owners invaluable. We end up going back to some section in there most days. We have the most amazing, handsome, confident puppy (yes we are extremely biased, but we do think Silvestre puppies are the most beautiful) who had the absolute best start in life & we feel so lucky that our puppy was chosen by Joshua for us (trust the breeder). They told us there was no such thing as the perfect puppy, but we think maybe they were lying about that bit, ours is pretty perfect in our eyes 😜 (despite the sharkies, zoomies, jumping & general craziness that are part & parcel of Vizsla puppy life)! Thanks Joshua & Rachel we are so grateful to have been trusted with a Silvestre puppy xxx Sinead & Gavin I have just updated Roux’s page as kindly the owners of Roux’s mother sent photos of Olive, and the owners of Reuben sent photos. So I could include both of these in Roux’s info.
Thank you to everyone who has sent enquiries for puppies this week. I have answered as many as I can do. Sadly we do not have enough litters in the course of a year to help everyone, but if you can wait then eventually we can help. If you can not wait we can give you names of other breeders. Not everyone who contacts us is suitable to own the Hungarian Vizsla as they are not an easy breed for many people. They can be very intensive in the first few weeks. Sadly we have to turn people away. Today’s society we get people who think we have to sell a dog to them, like buying a product from a super market. But their is far more in placing a puppy in a home. We only want to sell to couples who can cope, who will keep in contact with us. I’m in regular contact with everyone who purchases a dog from us and I can provide references through our recommendations pages. I have more to add on those pages, and Thank you to everyone who has written these for us. I’m truly grateful.
If you have brought a dog off us in the last two years, Ive been into my account with the kennel club and I still own your dogs. Their is a long list of dogs where change of ownership was not done by you.
The Kennel club are very slow at the moment, and it can take months to sort out ownership but if you do your online registration transfer from us to you then you are in their system. Can you please do this if you have not done so already. As it looks like I own your dog still with Kennel club details. Many thanks. I shall also remind you on instagram. R xx With in the next month I will have a Webstore, not linked to this website. To purchase dehydrated and natural pet treats. The Webstore is not yet active but I am trying to get products listed.
I realised a few years back that because we naturally rear puppies and they eat raw foods, lots of people didn't know what to buy as treats, and many were buying the wrong kind of treats under the banner of natural. Yet they were filled with many nasties, I trialled March 2021 selling a few treats, and it went very well. I have plans on extending my range available. This week I have a treat box with 20 items in for £20 plus £5.95 postage. I post Fridays first class mail. This will change the more people that buy. Our local post office is several miles away, and it doesn't pay to go with one item. But as they become more popular I will do two trips per week. Tuesday and Friday. I will have more variety soon, and I will have different types of boxes, and on the website it will have a description of whats in each box. But if you text me on 07584279384 I can change it to your needs. For example some dogs may not tolerate a sows ear well, but I could replace with a venison ear. I am also going to list collars, leads available. Because websites run by clicking a button to spend money through app's, their fee has to be added to their product. So if you would like to save a £ text me, and you can do a bank transfer which then I wont have to add their fee to the item for sale. Maybe those of you that have had a dog off me would like to message me to tell me what is the one thing you would like to buy when picking up a puppy? If a few of you think of the same thing I can maybe stock them in the future. Thank you for choosing my treat boxes, collars and leads. Their is a current trend of people looking at U Tube and Instagram and getting a false representation of what it is like to live with an HPR breed of dog. Hunt point and retrieve dogs have a different mind to that of Labradors, spaniels, and toy breeds. In many cases toy breeds are more what people can cope with. The responsibility of taking on a HPR breed means constant training, walks in the countryside, and being around for the dog. This dog is the racehorse amongst dog breeds. Racehorses need exercise and to get the best out of them training. You can liken the Vizsla to the racehorse. The time you dedicate to these breeds of dogs is dedication. Do not buy one if you can not go to training classes. Do not buy one if you work full time. Do not buy one if you have young children and can not dedicate the hours per day to the dog. If you can not do these things the dogs will end up returned to breeder or put in a rescue centre, or worse get a frustrated dog which in the end takes its frustration out on you.
Even though we are what you would call experienced Vizsla owners, and we know how to get the best out of them, i will always say they are not the easiest breed of dog to take on. First time pet owners often struggle. I have had several enquiries lately which I do not think will cope. I know people can surprise us, but I am trying to drill into everyone the dog is your responsibility. Breeders raise the puppy to the best of their ability, and some do far more than others. Social skills are so important for the babies. The next stage is about you and your training skills, and getting your trainer to help you get the best from your dog. Training should be constant and consistent. Patience by the oodles is required. Your time is required and a lot of it. But also teaching separation from the puppy. Once you get through the first few weeks, it becomes easier, and once the dog is an adult, you wont even remember how difficult they were as a puppy. Puppy stages last but a few months, then adolescence, and then adult. Enjoy your babies as they wont be babies for long |
AuthorMrs Rachel Savage Archives
February 2025
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